Free eBooks & Educational Resources
As nationally recognized educators, Vivage wants to help individuals and families navigate healthcare options. Download our free resources to learn more about health, wellness, Vivage communities, and care options.
Downloadable Ebooks

Rehabilitation After a Hospital Stay
Post-acute rehabilitation care is designed to help individuals recover after a hospital stay and can be highly beneficial to the healing process. However, you may have questions about what this service includes. Download our free eBook to learn the ins and outs of post-hospitalization rehabilitation care.

Navigating and Understanding Long-Term Care
Long-term care refers to a variety of services that aim to meet the health and care needs of individuals. Knowing which type of care is best for you or someone you know is an essential step to maintaining independence and wellness. Download our eBook to better understand each type of care and find the right one for your family.
Explore Holistic Care and Integrative Wellness
At Vivage, our long-term care and rehabilitative communities believe in using a holistic approach (combined with traditional medicine) to achieve overall health and wellness. Learn about our holistic and integrative approach to wellness and discover the benefits that holistic care provides!